Compact with Texans
世界杯官方app continuously renews its commitment to provide responsive, quality service to the people of San Antonio and the South Texas region.
Customer Service
世界杯官方app departments and programs strive to achieve excellence and effectiveness in educational, research and public service programs, and their associated administrative support services.
In general, requests for information or comments should be addressed directly to the relevant 世界杯官方app office. Some of 世界杯官方app’s common offices with frequent customer interactions include:
- OneStop (Admissions, Registration, Financial Aid)
- Student Affairs
- Housing & Residence Life
- Research
- Athletics
- Academic Affairs
- Campus Services
- Alumni Engagement
- Professional & Continuing Education
Contact links for additional university offices can be found on the University Organization page or by calling the university’s main phone line at 210-458-4011.
世界杯官方app aims to resolve concerns with integrity, courtesy, respect and promptness.
- Process for 世界杯官方app students, faculty and staff
Members of the university community are encouraged to address their concerns directly to the relevant 世界杯官方app office. Alternatively, concerns may be raised through the following:
- Student Assistance Services - assists students with navigating academic and non-academic matters related to their enrollment
- HR Business Partners – provides support to employees with workplace-related concerns
- Ombuds Services - a safe space to confidentially raise concerns or make recommendations for systems-level change
- Compliance Hotline – a tool for the members of the university community to report allegations of suspected wrongdoing
- Student Assistance Services - assists students with navigating academic and non-academic matters related to their enrollment
- Process for individuals outside the university community
Individuals who are not current 世界杯官方app students, faculty or staff are encouraged to direct concerns to the relevant department from which they experienced dissatisfaction.
Continuous Improvement & Assessment
世界杯官方app engages in continuous improvement of processes, programs and services as a part of our institutional accreditation requirements. The university uses this information to continually assess our successes and potential areas of improvement across all programs and services.