Complaint Process

All discrimination complaints, including those alleging sexual harassment will be brought and resolved pursuant to the following procedures:

How to File a Complaint

EOS has purview to investigate matters that related to the following HOP policies:

To submit a report, please follow the link below:

Timeline for reporting incidents:
We encourage students, faculty, staff and visitors of the 世界杯官方app Community to report incidents of discrimination or sexual harassment to EOS as soon as possible and recommend within thirty (30) calendar days from the date the alleged incident.

Complaint resolution process

There are two types of complaint resolution processes available to students, faculty, staff and visitors to 世界杯官方app who believe they have been subject to illegal discrimination or sexual harassment: informal resolution and formal resolution. If the complaint you present falls outside EOS's jurisdiction, we will identify and refer the complaint to the appropriate university office.

1. Informal resolution:
Informal resolution options include, but are not limited to: helping the complainant communicate directly with the alleged respondent; working with the appropriate department/unit to modify the situation in which the alleged misconduct occurred; arranging and attending a meeting between the alleged respondent and the appropriate administrator to discuss the requirements of the university's policy on discrimination; or mediation. Informal resolution means that no formal investigation occurs and disciplinary action is not required to remedy the situation.

An individual may opt to pursue the formal process at any time. However, EOS may institute a formal process at any time if it determines that the conduct that is described in the complaint is severe, or part of a pattern of persistent misconduct.

2. Formal resolution:
The University formally will resolve complaints that allege severe misconduct or a pattern of persistent misconduct. Formal resolution involves the submission of a written complaint, a formal investigation into the facts alleged in the complaint, and the possibility of the imposition of disciplinary action on the alleged respondent.

Assistance: During the complaint process, a complainant or respondent may be accompanied or assisted by a person of his or her choice; however, the advisor/assistant may not actively participate in a meeting or interview. See applicable policy for more details.

Retaliation prohibited

Retaliation against an individual for filing a complaint of discrimination or sexual harassment, or for participating in the complaint process, is a violation of university policy and is subject to disciplinary action, up to and including dismissal from the university. Students, faculty, staff and visitors who file discrimination or sexual harassment complaints will be informed about retaliation and the procedures they should take if retaliation occurs.